Tunisia - currency

The currency of Tunisia is the Tunisian dinar.

So if you’re heading to Tunisia on holiday, then there are some important things to consider when it comes to sorting out your Tunisian currency. Here’s everything you need to know.

Should I take Tunisian money with me?

No. The Tunisian dinar is currently a ‘closed currency’, which means it’s a criminal offence to either import or export the currency in or out of Tunisia. Beware if you do find somewhere that does exchange Tunisian currency at home – don’t do it because it’s illegal to take it into the country with you. Instead, take US dollars in cash with you to change when you get there, or bring along your debit or credit card (Visa is more widely accepted than Maestro).

Where can I get currency in Tunisia?

It’s normal for holidaymakers to arrive in the country without any valid Tunisia currency in their wallet; but don’t worry, it’s really easy to get your hands on some Tunisian dinar once you’re there.

You can exchange your cash for local currency at banks, bureaux de change, hotels and post offices in Tunisia. The rate is fixed by the government, so it will be the same wherever you go. Remember to bring along your passport, as you might need it to be able to change your money. And make sure you keep your receipt so you can swap any leftover holiday money back to sterling before you go home.

If you've got your debit or credit card with you, you can withdraw Tunisia money from cash machines. ATMs are available in tourist resorts and main towns. But bear in mind that if you do it this way, you could incur a surcharge of around 4% on your card. Plus it’s still a good idea to take some cash with you to change if you need to, such as if you have any problems with your card or you have an emergency.

What if I have currency left over?

You can't take Tunisian dinar home, either. And as the authorities have the right to search you and your luggage at the airport, you're going to want to make sure you change back all your currency (including coins) before you leave. Worried about how you'll pay for things you want to buy at the airport? It's ok; shops and cafés there will accept a range of foreign currencies, including US Dollars.

And finally...

When you're planning your next getaway somewhere else, make sure you check out the great rates at Thomas Cook Travel Money. With competitive prices and home delivery, it's the no-brainer option for foreign exchange. And that's not to mention the handy currency card we offer in partnership with Caxton!

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